Recently, there have been requests from some of our customers asking for a full AUDIT LOG of activities taking place in Sage200-System Administration - such as - (The unavailability of this feature in Sage200 has been flagged as a big IT System audit issue).
Creating New/Amending/Deleting - company
Creating/amending/deleting - ROLES
Addition/removal of FEATURES from ROLE
Creating/Amending/Deleting (Disabling) - User
Installing/removal of Add-On modules
User company login/logout log
Basically, any activity on Sage200-System Administration needs to be logged for audit trail purpose and related reports.
Reporting of System Audit trail/log
Though we have tried find some solution, but it's proving to be difficult due to limitation on using Sage's developer kit for Sage200-System Administration module. Also data held for above mentioned activities is not cumulative but last activity snapshot.
Could it be considered for upcoming release in the very near future.
ACS-Apt Computer System Ltd.
Rustum Khedkar